Time has flown by and spring has already sprung into summer, revealing that some of our peafowl have been very busy. Please help us to welcome our newly hatched peachicks. These small yellow and brown chicks hatched in early May and have been peeping up a storm since their hatching. Once these little fluffy chicks are large enough they will once again join the free roaming adult group of peafowl found throughout the zoo. They can currently be seen spending time with mom in an enclosed habitat in the center of the zoo. These chicks are currently eating lot of small grain, insects and stretching their little legs.
Peafowl are native to India and are known for their striking plumage. Males are regarded as quite beautiful with iridescent blue, indigo, and green feathers.This bright coloration and large fanning feathers are used to help the males attract a mate by proving that they are not only strong and able to survive but also beautiful. When
selecting a mate the females can be quite picky. They search for males with the most impressive feathers, hoping the feathers are a sign of brains and brawn. When our new hatchlings are between 2-3 years we will be able to tell how many males were hatched this season.
The peafowl of The Texas Zoo can be seen throughout the zoo, and actually help to keep our facility rid of bugs. These ground foraging omnivores eat just about anything they can fit into their beaks. Seeds, insects, plants, and small vertebrates are all fair game to be eaten by a peafowl.The next time you visit The Texas Zoo stop by one of our designated feeding stations to purchase some feed to get up close with these amazing birds.